Read Actual Temperature Value : MAX 31865 Integrated Circuit and PT1000/100 Temperature Sensor

Fırtına Hüseyin Göktaş
5 min readApr 24, 2020


Hi , in this article we’ll find a formula to linearize the max 31865 ADC circuitry.But why we do that matter?Isn’t 31865 circuitry already do its own job?

Actually , ADC of the MAX 31865 circutry does it’s job but PT1000 or PT100 sensors can’t do it’s task perfectly.

PT1000/100 sensors is just a platinum resistance thermometer.That’s mean is PT1000/100 has a resistance value depends on the temperature value.If temperature rises then resistance of the PT1000 is also increases.However there is a problem with this matter.

Let look at the temperature table in MAX 31865 .

In the table we can see that there is a difference between ADC value and real temperature.What can we do to read real temperature value by ADC?To do that I implemented some operations.

Before explain the operations there is a second table which includes the continuous values of first table.This table is shown below.

2 is powerful than 1.We can improve the operations easily now.

Let focus between 20 C° and -20C°.In this interval there is no big difference between ADC values and real temperature values.Difference is significantly increases with starting to 30C° and -30C°.

30 C° is a start point for positive temperature values and it goes up to 550C°.Could we find a relation in this interval?Yes , we have a relation in this interval.To find the relation , we can divide the values one by one.For all of the operations I used the Python language.If you desire , you can use another language because operations just includes mathematical operations , array lists and loops.

Let create an array for real temperatures and named as realTemps.

realTemps =[30 , 40 , 50 , ….. , 550 ]

Let create an second array for ADC temperatures named as adcTemps.

adcTemps = [29.88 , 39.78 , 49.66 , …. , 505.56]

Please fill the blanks with values.

Let create an third array for hold the ratios of the real and ADC temperature values named ratioTemps.

ratioTemps = [None]*len(realTemps)

Now , we can find a ratios of the temperatures.

for k in range(0,len(realTemps)):
ratioTemps[k] = adcTemps[k]/realTemps[k]

ratioTemps[] is calculated as:



So, what we have now?What we’ll do with this ratios?We’ll find a difference between ratios.

for n in range(0,len(realTemps)-1):

If program runs , you can see the values as below.

  • 0.0014999999999999458
    …. [There are values in here ]
    ….[There are values in here]

In here think like 4 digit shifted to left.For example 0,003714 is 37,14.

If you realize that values change between 13 and 15 in somewhere than values goes to between 36 and 37.In that point I confused about that matter.Why the values in between 13 and 15 then it goes to 36 and 37?I realize that until 200 C° values increases 10 by 10.However after this point temperature values increases 25 by 25.

25 / 10 = 2.5

37 / 2.5 =14.8

Now , we can see what is going on.Actually ratio is constant-like.

Let create a formula which gives us to real temperature values.

If real value is known then we can find the ADC value.How?

Let say we have a variable namely tryRealTemp and for ADC conversion tryADC.

tryADC = tryRealTemp * (0.996 -(tryRealTemp-30)/10 * 0.00148)

0.996 is the starting point which is 30 C°.Formula is that ; take a real temperature value than multiply it with a ratio to find ADC value.0,996 is the ratio for 29,88 C° / 30 C°.Then find the how real temperature far from 30C°.For example 60 C° is (60–30) /10 = 3 times far from 30C°.In every 10 C°.

we have 0.00148 ratio decline.This formula is to find the ADC values with known real temperature values.However our problem is finding a real temperature value for known ADC value.So , we have to inverse the formula to find real temperature value.

In here , we solve a 2nd order equation.If you solve the equation correctly you find this equation :

tryADC = 1.00044tryRealTemp —0.000148( tryRealTemp)²

0.000148( tryRealTemp)² — 1.00044tryRealTemp-tryADC = 0

Let say t for tryRealTemp and A for tryADC.

0.000148t² — 1.00044t — A =0

In this point let create new variable named as ratioConstant. This ratio is 0,000148 because we assumed 37/2,5=14,8.However we don’t know actual value is 37 or not.We can change it so we define it as variable.Beside 1,00044 is just 0,996+30*0,000148.

Let reformula the equation:

(ratioConstant)*t² — (0,996+30*ratioConstant)*t -A=0

This is the formula which we try to find the root.

Root can be find as shown below:

  • Find the delta value : delta = sqr(b² — 4ac)
  • Find the root : x1 = (-b + delta) / 2a , x2 =(-b — delta )/2a

a = ratioConstant

b= -0,996+30*ratioConstant

c= tryADC

x2 is the root for our formula .

Let try some example for known temperature values:

If tryADC = 263.97 C °

tryRealTemp = 275.023 C°

If tryADC = 484.53 C°

tryRealTemp =525.016

You can see , we find a formula which gives 0.05 C° accurately temperature values.You can find a new formula for -30C° to -200C°.

I give you for your use:

constant : 0.000212

delta = (1.00533–30 * constant)² — 4 * constant * tryADC

tryRealTemp = -(-(1.00533–30 * constant) + sqr(delta))/(2*constant)

This is the outcome code written in Python.You can convert it any language easily.

tryADC = float(input("enter example ADC"))

tryRealTemp = tryADC

if tryADC >= 30:
constant = 0.0001477
delta = (0.996+30*constant) ** 2 - 4 * constant * tryADC
tryRealTemp = ((0.996+30*constant) - delta ** 0.5) / (2 * constant)
elif tryADCADC <= -30:
constant = 0.000212
delta = (1.00533 - 30 * constant) ** 2 - 4 * constant * tryADC
tryRealTemp = (-(1.00533 - 30 * constant) + delta ** 0.5) / (2 * constant)
tryRealTemp *= -1


Thank you for your interest!

Stay healthy!



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